World Council For Health Florida
Dose-proportionally, Janssen has more VAERS SAE & Death reports than Pfizer and Moderna. There was an inflection in excess deaths in the Philippines exactly concurrent with Janssen Rollout!
Link to today’s hearing, in mixed Tagalog and English, below.
There was a presentation on human rights violations at 1:58:25, with terrible sound quality, but I will upload a link to the full 25-minute clean version as soon as I get it. A discussion on autopsies of 3 persons who died after vaccination was presented at 2:51:20.
I spoke at 2:23:40 and again briefly at 2:55:00. My last slide had a date error and although I said Astra instead of Janssen, in the heat of the moment, the message is still clear. Corrected image is shown in the detailed discussion which follows below.
According to the WHO, as of 14 February 2024, 67% of the world population have received a primary series of C-19 injectables, and 32 % have received booster dosing.
Following is the breakdown of dosing by manufacturer from OWID. Pfizer dwarfs all other products by more than 4 x with 664 million doses said to have been administered, followed by Moderna and Oxford/AstraZeneca. Johnson & Johnson – Janssen is the 4th most commonly used injectable with 18.7 million doses reported to have been injected by 14 Feb 2024.
In the Philippines, the mostly commonly used product was Comirnaty (Pfizer) followed by CoronaVac (Chinese-Made), Moderna, and AstraZeneca. Janssen was the 5th most used product with 7,654,344 doses reported to have been injected (4.2% of Philippines doses, and 38.85% of the world supply of Jansen product). Many people had waited for Janssen considering that it was only a single product and therefore should be easier, and safer.
Roll out of various projects is shown in the following figure, which presents weekly rollout as reported by the Philippines FDA pharmacovigilance system. Products are color coded. The red, showing Janssen dosing, reveals one short period of dosing lasting about a month from 20 July to mid-August. Additional dosing only happened at the end of the 2021 and into early 2022, when new batches arrived, donated from Europe.
About 3.2 million doses of Janssen were delivered, as a first tranche, under the COVAX program, arriving on 16 and 17 July 2021. These were rolled out to Filipinos from 20 July 2021 though to about 15 August 2021.
Further deliveries of Janssen products arrived in the Philippines by the end of 2021; some 4.45 million additional doses.
With 7.65 million Doses delivered, the Philippines received 38.9% of all Janssen products distributed worldwide. The initial doses delivered in the first rollout of 3.2 million doses appear to have been batches no. 205C21A, 209C21A, 212C21A, and 213C21A, the later 3 batches being exclusive ONLY to the Philippines. No individual batch sizing has been released.
Pharmacovigilance in the Philippines is provided by the Philippines FDA. Following vaccine rollout on 1st of March 2021, the FDA began issuing weekly reports starting on 4th April 2021. These reports rapidly accrued adverse reactions, including deaths. The first three reports mentioned “several deaths”, the next report on 21st of April tallied 45 deaths, and the most recent report on 31 December 2023 listed 2,864 deaths.
Despite having received reports of SAE and deaths, the Philippines DOH was confidently declaring no direct vaccine linked deaths, as late as December 2021, by which time their system had received 1,589 reports of fatal events.
When looking at the breakdown of adverse reactions by products, it becomes apparent that there is a problem with the Janssen Products which represents only 4.2% of injectables, but 5% of reports, and 11.1% of serious reactions. The Philippines FDA does not give any breakdown of deaths by product.
The disproportionate reports of AEFI for various products raises concerns with regards to possible hot lots. An FOI request was sent to the FDA in January 2023, asking if they were aware of any hot lots. The response was that the FDA were aware of hot lots overseas, but that none of these were distributed to the Philippines.
While further data is not currently available from the Philippines FDA, Philippines reports of SAE and Deaths were reported to and are available for public scrutiny from the US VAERS system. These are available for the US Manufactured products Janssen, Pfizer, and Moderna. The Philippines FDA reports SAE and deaths to the manufacturers. The manufacturers then file VAERs reports.
Referring to VAERS using the VAERSAWARE System for total adverse reactions attributed to all Covid-19 vaccines, there are a total of 1,590,257 ID Counts, of which 36,857 are deaths. Despite the very serious limitations of the VAERS system (known massive under-reporting and often incomplete data), it still one of the best available sources to look for alarm signals, particularly using the excellent VAERSAWARE platform.
For Pfizer, Moderna, and Janssen, overall US and Worldwide, outcomes reported in VAERS as of early February 2024 are broken down to: –
Pfizer: 949,232 Distinct VAERS IDs, of which 23,144 are deaths.
Moderna: 538,008 Distinct VAERS IDs, of which 10,574 are deaths.
Janssen: 98,292 Distinct VAERS IDs, of which 2,844 are deaths.
Please bear in mind that the underreporting factors could be at best 40, at worst well over 100.
Philippines data can be extracted from the VAERS system and details examined. Note that only serious events (SAE) and deaths are mandated for reporting to VAERS. The Philippines data shows a much higher proportion of deaths than the overall data. However, this is expected if only serious events are being captured.
A very high under-reporting factor, probably several fold higher than that in US is expected for the Philippines, considering there is very little knowledge about the pharmacovigilance system and even those who know may not have the resources, or even be willing to report.
VAERS contained 7,795 Philippines reports as of 2 Feb 2024.
A breakdown of the reports by product can reveal if any single product caused more harm than any other.
Comirnaty: 4,000 Distinct VAERS IDs, of which 531 are deaths (1 report/15,405 Philippine doses, 1 death / 145,046 doses). The lot which had the most reports of deaths was FD5996 which had 49 reports of deaths. Additional deaths from this batch are certainly included in the “blank” and “unknown” batches death counts.
Moderna: 1,034 Distinct VAERS IDs, of which 189 are deaths (1 report / 20,895 doses, 1 death / 114,316 doses). The lot which had the most reports of deaths was 93900 which had 26 reports of deaths.
Janssen: 1,816 Distinct VAERS IDs, of which 459 are deaths (1 report / 4,215 doses, 1 death / 16,676 doses). How does Janssen with only 4.2% of doses have such high reports of deaths? Why are there so many batches which show death rates higher than the “hot” batches from Moderna and Pfizer. Batch 213C21A had 120 deaths, batch 212C21A had 70 deaths, batch ACB3221 had 20 deaths, and batches 2019C21A and 205C21A each had 11 and 10 reported deaths. Multiply each by at least an URF of 100, and the death counts become very worrying.
Combining the US VAERs data and the Philippines Pharmacovigilance Systems, it may be observed that there were more deaths reported for Moderna than for Pfizer (relative to dosing), but that Janssen was far worse than Moderna: –
Pfizer: PH FDA – 2,980 SAE, VAERS – 531 deaths, 17.8% of SAE are deaths!
Moderna: PH FDA – 927 SAE, VAERS – 189 deaths, 20.4% of SAE are deaths!
Janssen: PH FDA – 1,200 SAE, VAERS – 459 deaths, 38.3% of SAE are deaths!
Assuming a conservative under-reporting factor of 100, there could have been more than 120,000 SAE, and more than 45,900 deaths from Janssen alone!
VAERSAWARE facilitates looking further at the 2,844 Deaths reported following Janssen Doses, 959 of which (33.7%) occurred in “foreign jurisdictions”. Of those 959 deaths, 459 (47.8%) occurred in the Philippines. The figure below shows breakdown of Janssen AEFI for foreign jurisdictions.
A further breakdown to look at hot batches. Philippines has by far the hottest Janssen batches in the World! That top red line is Philippines!
Timing of the onset of death exactly matches the start of vaccine rollout. Checking time between vaccination and onset of adverse event leading to death, it is immediately apparent that most deaths occur that same day as or the day after injection, with a tail lasting weeks! Cause and effect?
Remind my readers what deaths in the Philippines looked like in 2021, and into early 2022.
To assess if there is any observable relationship between the rollout of the various brands of Covid-19 vaccines, I plotted weekly vaccine doses (Source: Philippines FDA), weekly covid-19 deaths (Source: DOH Covid-19 Tracker), and weekly all-cause-mortality for 2021 (Source: PSA).
While it is immediately apparent that ACM and Covid-19 deaths rose within less than 10 days following the start of Covid-19 vaccination, there was not any immediately apparent trend between dosing and subsequent spikes in deaths.
To assess further, I plotted ACM and C-19 Deaths separately against dosing for each of the major brands. Coronavac, started on 1st March 2021. A clear rise in deaths follows the initial start of dosing, but without any clear pattern there-after.
AstraZeneca. Started on 7th of March 2021. No clear patterns, aside from the initial rise.
Comirnaty (Pfizer) started on 13th May. No clear patterns.
Moderna started on 30th June 2021. Also, no clear patterns.
Janssen! WOW! Every increase in dosing is immediately followed by an inflection in deaths!
Every increase in dosing is matched by an increase in Covid-19 deaths. Were Vaccine Deaths being disguised as Covid-19? Anyone who was identified as having died with Covid-19 (all fatalities were compulsorily tested with the oversensitive, too-high-cycled PCR test) were immediately cremated, removing all possibility for investigation.
I plotted 2021 deaths by date of death and marked vaccine dose starts, averaging the prior months’ deaths for each inflection. I.e., the green straight line is the averaged deaths from 1 Jan to 28 Feb. The yellow straight line is averaged deaths from 1st March to 19 July 2021, just before Janssen started. Deaths soared immediately following Janssen rollout on 20th July 2021. Deaths are compatible with the VAERS reports and timing of deaths for Janssen which show a Day 1 peak and a notable tail of 8+ weeks of reported deaths.
This spike in deaths is solely correlated with the first delivery of 3.213 Million doses. The next delivery did not happen until the end of December and is not captured in this data (though it was visible in the January 2022 spike in deaths already shown above).
IF the 92,870 deaths were largely due to 3.213 M doses of Janssen, this gives a possible acute death rate of 1 / 35 doses. With 211 Death reports to VAERS, this could indicate a URF of 440, which I find believable given how few people know about the pharmacovigilance system and how of the people who experience adverse events ever make any report, even when offered assistance to do so.
With a URF of 440 and reported VAERS deaths of 1,179, this could translate to 518,760 people killed acutely by Covid-19 vaccines in the Philippines. This figure is certainly within range of currently estimated excess deaths in Philippines.
The first batch of Janssen doses (3.2 million) were delivered to Philippines on 16 and 17 July 2021 under the WHO COVAX Facility. This delivery included 4 batches, 3 of them exclusive to the Philippines. All 4 of these delivered batches are among the noted hot lots causing many reports of deaths. FDA was apparently watching overseas batches for alarms, but were they watching batches exclusive to the Philippines?
The Janssen Vaccines were to be distributed throughout the nation, with each region slated to get at least 100K doses. Dosing started on 20th July 2021 (and was finished in about 1 month), and thereafter deaths rose sharply in every single region of the Philippines. Plotted below are daily deaths by region. There are some extreme death spikes in certain regions, which certainly deserve full investigation to determine whether they were due to some mass fatal accident / natural calamity, or whether they are related to injections administered.
The data presented here shows an apparent association between Janssen and the hyper-excess deaths seen in Philippines in 2021. This deserves very serious and critical investigation. If the Filipinos are proven to have poisoned by Janssen products provided by the WHO and COVAX, apologies, compensation and restitution may be appropriate.
The outcomes for people who took these products need to be followed-up. Recipients will need support and medical assistance.
This is just the beginning of the consequences.
World Council For Health Florida
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