Malaysia Vital Statistics for 2023


Malaysia released the 2023 Vital Statistics on 17th October 2024, and the 2023 Cause of Death Data on 29 October 2024. I have reviewed and summarized this data into graphic form for easy review, also adding in the available birth and death data up to September 2024.

Deaths in 2023 were 4.6% lower than deaths in 2022. 2024 deaths, up to September, are running 2% lower than 2023 levels. This is somewhat reassuring, even though deaths are well above 2020 and prior levels.

Births in 2023 were 7.7% higher than in 2022. However, births to September 2024 are 10.7% lower than 2023 levels. This represents a catastrophic dropping of fertility for Malaysian women.

An age breakdown of deaths is available. While most age-groups had decreased deaths compared to 2022 (overall drop from 2022 to 2023 of 4.6%), babies and children had increased deaths in 2024, particularly for the 10-14 (+12.6%), and 15-19 (+10%) age groups. This change could indicate worsening health of young people, who should be the healthiest group in society, not dying in any excess.

In terms of population natural increase, Malaysia’s population growth is slowing, though still in positive territory. Deaths in 2024 will likely be similar to 2023 levels, but births will drop sharply.

Population Rates for 2019 – 2023


Vital statistics can be adjusted based on population to give standardized rates, usually per 1000 population, for comparison between categories. This allows a more accurate year on year comparison accounting for population growth.

Overall crude birth and death rates, with breakdown by states. clearly shows wide variability of outcomes.

Rate of Natural Increase = (births – deaths) / 1000 population, also shows wide variability, though the trending is downward for all states.

Life expectancy at birth by year and state is also shown. Certain states have considerably longer life expectancy (better health) than others. The 2023 data is still preliminary, while the 2024 data is (VERY optimistically) estimated.

Malaysia has different racial groups. Malay (Bimiputera) comprise about 57.9% of the population, Chinese about 23%, Indians about 6.5%, and Non-citizen / Others about 10%. These groups each have different birth and death rates.

Malay and Indians have considerably higher birth rates than Others. Chinese have the lowest birth rates.

‘Others’ have far lower death rates than all other groups; maybe these represent mostly working age foreigners and their families? Indians have the worse death rates followed by Chinese and then Malay.

The Chinese population deaths outpace births since 2021, with their population already shrinking. Indians had more deaths than births only in 2021 and were back into slightly positive growth territory in 2022 and 2023.

Infant, young pediatric and maternal outcomes with death rates are shown. Population health has not improved since 2000. Interesting that under-5 mortality dropped sharply in 2020 and 2021 when children were under lockdown, away from school, and did not access routine medical care. This same pattern has been seen in many countries and would seem to indicate that children do better with less medical care (fewer well-child interventions).

Fertility rates are down to 1.7 in 2023 from 2.9 in 2000, well below replacement.

Below are cause of death summaries extracted from the Malaysian summaries.


Official ICD-10 data. Note that respiratory and cancer, as % of deaths, are both up, as are infectious diseases and external causes (fatal accidents). Fatal perinatal conditions have increased, as have congenital malformations, deformations and chromosomal abnormalities; what about the babies with abnormalities that survived?


Malaysia’s population health is not doing well since the rollout of Covid-19 vaccines, measured in rising deaths and an acceleration of already falling births. Covid-19 vaccines are still available / offered, but there is very little reported uptake.

A step change occurred in patterns of and births and deaths in early 2021 concurrent with the vaccine rollouts. While deaths seem to have somewhat stabilized at the new higher level in 2023 and 2024, the loss in births seems to be accelerating. The role of the Covid-19 injections in falling fertility and poorer infant outcomes must be investigated.

Concerning prospects for Malaysia’s people and their future.

Malaysia's Q1 population rises 0.6% to 32.73 million | The Star
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