World Council For Health Florida
Why should people ever trust the WHO, their governments and their government’s agencies ever again? They can’t and they shouldn’t! They won’t!
There has been a “whole of society” failure in handling and responding to the pandemic.
The pandemic, more accurately referred to as PLANDEMIC, was triggered by WHO instructed response measures to a virus that was laboratory gain-of-function manufactured and released (by accident or not).
The selected viral component for vaccine target was the coronavirus spike protein. Spike is now known to be the most pathogenic component of the virus, causing a multitude of multi-system harms.
Those scientists who developed the Covid-19 Virus must have known about the pathogenicity of the spike protein. These are high level scientists intimately familiar with medicine, biology, biochemistry, microbiology. Logically then, everything that followed must have been intentional.
The Covid-19 vaccines, developed and manufactured under US DOD contracts were not content with using conventional technologies where an inactivated antigen, in controlled amounts, would be introduced to the human host to trigger a (hopefully) protective immune response. Instead, they developed a gene modification product that would trigger the human host’s cells to produce a spike that would be produced in uncontrolled amounts, for unknown durations, and that would not readily breakdown! Harm would be ongoing until the death of the recipient.
The vaccines were delivered via a novel delivery process, lipid nano-particle based, that ensured that the gene modification payload would readily distribute to every cell in the body, causing recipient’s own cells to generate spike, with no off-switch, until the coopted cell was detected by the immune system and killed.
Cells in recipients’ bodies were programmed to produce a toxin, that their own immune system would then attempt to remove by killing those very cells. This is the definition of autoimmunity! Too bad if those cells damaged or killed are non-replaceable heart or kidney or brain cells. Too bad if those are vasculature cells, where inflammation will result in clotting and/or bleeding issues!
The immune system is not meant to be in endless high alert over a single toxin. That high alert prevents the immune system from adequately doing its regular jobs such as prevention and management of other regular pathogens, early detection and prevention of cancers.
Immune system fatigue and ultimately failure is expected. Human health is devastated. With no off switch the damage will continue and progress and escalate over time!
The gene modification results in epigenetic changes, with as of yet with undefined consequences for surviving offspring, and this will change what a human is!
The DOD experts must have known exactly what they were doing with this vaccine and its mechanisms of action. They must have known exactly the havoc it would wreak to human recipients. The labelling of both the spike and the vaccine induced responses a bioweopon appear accurate.
You kill its men and young people. You kill its old people to erase their memory and wisdom. You disable and incapacitate people so that others will be so busy caring for them that they have little energy or resources left to fight. We are witnessing this happening in real time.
You terrify people and make their lives so hard that they are continually in flight or fight survival mode. This state precludes much rational thought and reflection, or action.
You destroy community. You split them and turn them against one-another. You prevent leaders from leading innovatively. You govern (and control) the people so hard, so nonsensically, so ruthlessly and so without voice and representation, that they lose hope of being able to effect change, to make a difference, to make things better. Then they give up, curl in a ball, and wait to die! That is what the implementers hoped for.
Who (or is it WEF and WHO) are the invading enemy force?
The WHO’s efforts to force all nations to give up sovereignty, to subjugate themselves to the pandemic treaty and IRHs, to complete its world takeover. This is high treason!
Recommended watching is this discussion from Dr. Campbell where Ester McVey describes clearly the consequences of the pandemic measures from the past 3 years, and the risks of what the WHO is now trying to achieve (13:43 minutes).
We will not forget:-
The failure of Governments, of regulatory agencies, of health bodies, of medical professionals to perform due diligence. To practice and follow all of the standards that had been developed to ensure quality and safety of products.
The failure to conduct cost-benefit analyses prior to implementing non-sensical measures, and then refusal to re-evaluate approaches even when they clearly were not working (as evidenced by the escalation of the pandemic).
Masking was (and is still) strongly promoted, but are associated with many harms[1]:-
Masking has been proven unable to prevent transmission of respiratory virus, even if masks are worn properly[2]
Masking is shown to be harmful due to restriction of oxygen levels, elevation of CO2 levels[3].
Masks are unsafe for extended wear in uncontrolled environments and will increase infection when not properly fitted and not frequently changed.
Affect pediatric development for both language development and social interactions.
Masks depersonalize their wearers.
Masks are unhygienic when used continuously and in the way the population has been forced to use them.
Single use masks have devasting environmental consequences.
Social distancing which was an arbitrary concept with no scientific basis. How can a virus be problematic when walking, but not problematic when sitting in a restaurant?
Closing schools caused devastating education loss to learners and will have repercussions for workforce skilling and high education readiness that will have great personal and national cost.
Closing of businesses, and ports did not stop the spread of Covid-19 and had devastating economic and supply chain consequences.
Covid-19 Vaccination that failed to prevent infection, transmission, and even hospitalization. Covid-19 cases, deaths, and all-cause mortality all increased following vaccination rollout. Health and regulatory agencies have yet to acknowledge these outcomes or provide any explanations.
The endless announcing of daily cases, daily deaths along with fudging of numbers, labeling of deaths as covid-19 caused when they clearly weren’t.
The killing of the elderly by deliberately infecting them and leaving them to die untreated, or worse, putting them (and other “unwanted” persons) on “end of life pathways… effectively sedating, dehydrating, and neglecting them to premature death.
Hospitals became killing fields instead of places of care, grotesquely filled with much applauded, grinning, PPE-shrouded, dancing staff.
Killing so many with expensive, inappropriate and inadequate treatments (when so many unheeded doctors and scientists were sharing effective protocols), followed by respirators which blew out lungs and ended lives.
Remdesivir, pet drug of Tony Fauci, failed for ebola, but repurposed and widely hospital use forced for Covid-19. It caused kidney failure, lungs to fill with water which was blamed on Covid-19, and rapid death.
Targeting, persecution, discrimination against, master listing, tracking, and coercion for vaccination for all persons who refused vaccination is a perversity of humanity. How could anyone have thought this was ok, still is ok in the places where it is still ongoing?
Denial of access to work, school, dining and entertainment venues, church, transport services, travel.
Tying of vaccination to receipt of assistance / aid.
The blocking of effective medications and treatments
Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin, cheap and old medications which have been safely used for decades, were found to be very effective preventatives and treatments for covid very early in the pandemic.
Their use was strongly discouraged and even banned to give favor to new and very expensive medications such as remdesivir (which caused kidney failure and killed instead of saving) and monoclonal antibodies, which were unaffordable for many people without access to advanced and insured healthcare.
Deliberate misinformation campaigns against early treatment options using repurposed drugs such as Ivermectin and HCQ.
Early treatment in terms of nutraceuticals such as vitamin C, D, Zinc, melatonin were discouraged and even denied [Are still being denied by DOH in their “Philippines COVID-19 Living Recommendations[4]].
Failure to provide early and aggressive treatment for secondary bacterial infections after covid-19 also lead to many deaths, particularly in elderly persons.
The ignoring of “non-approved narrative experts”. Any doctors or professionals speaking in favor of any non-approved approaches, preventatives or treatments were subject to smear campaigns and misinformation.
The forcing of fast-tracked, known by the manufacturers from the development stage to be toxic, Covid-19 vaccines onto the population. The manufacturers knew they were not fit for purpose and could not prevent infection or transmission from their earliest days of development.
Pfizer knew and its vaccine development and study documents, originally slated for a 75 year[5] hold, but then forced to be released, showed severe harm from the earliest days of investigation[6]. Pfizer killed 1223 people in the first 90 days of their clinical trial and injured 40k.
Pfizer and other manufacturers destroyed their control group by offering them vaccination prior to the completion of clinical trials. By destroying the control they ensured that comparative health outcomes would never be known.
National health agencies were provided with Pfizer’s (and other manufacturer’s) clinical trial data. Being experts they would have seen its inadequacy and the alarm signals. Yet they ignored all prior protocols, threw abundance of care to the winds, and approved these products anyway.
The adoption of a “Vaccines Are the Only Cure” policy, contrary to all known prior medical principles? Along with complete denial of the historically known benefits and importance of natural immunity.
Life was first put on hold until the vaccines arrived.
Life then continued to be put on hold until enough people accepted the vaccines.
Measure then continued in the face of soaring cases and deaths.
Countries basing their approvals on other countries’ approvals without doing their own due diligence! This is complete dereliction of public office. Medical societies aped other medical societies’ approaches and did not practice abundance of caution in the face of so many unknowns. Highly sensitive population such as pregnant and breastfeeding women were targeted for vaccination. Low risk populations such as children and healthy adults were also targeted.
Lack of transparency from public agencies. When data stopped showing what these agencies wanted it to, they simply stopped releasing data!
Failure to collect clinical and EUA experimental products outcome data. Without collection of appropriate data, health agencies are unable to prove claims of safety and efficacy. Tricks include:
Incomplete collection of vaccination data (discrepancies between DOH and FDA)
No tracking of vaccination status of people who died from any cause.
No tracking of vaccination status of people who died from / with covid-19.
No tracking of vaccination status of persons hospitalized with Covid-19.
Persons who died from / with Covid-19 were immediately cremated, without autopsy.
Failure to heed signals from Pharmacovigilance systems. Safe and effective is a lie: millions of injuries and hundreds of 1000s of deaths have already been reported. This is further corroborated by insurance actuaries, and by mortician data. The is an ever-growing body of peer reviewed literature documenting harm and adverse outcomes is adamantly ignored.
Not fit for purpose pharmacovigilance systems and vaccine injury compensation systems.
Gross under capture of events. Minimal follow of events. Little to no attempt to identify root causes of harm.
Compensation systems that are hard to access. Often deny valid claims, and which provide compensation that is dismally inadequate to compensate for costs of injury, let-alone pain and suffering, or loss of life.
Persons injured by the vaccines and the families of those killed by the vaccines have effectively been abandoned by their Governments an d health agencies.
Failure of governments to acknowledge, explain and address excess deaths and falling births. They continue to publicly express confusion, lack of awareness, confabulation over any possible causes for this. This makes them look stupid and deceitful.
All countries which rolled out covid-19 vaccines are experiencing both excess deaths and reduced birth rates. These excess deaths and falling births are continuing into 2023.
Population vital statistics data is critical for assessment of all-cause mortality to determine impacts of the covid-19 vaccination program and lockdown policy. Had the vaccines been effective there should have been no or even decreasing deaths since implementation and rollout. The very opposite has been true.
Loss of freedom of speech! Countries are working to ban and penalize the sharing of non-approved media and scientific documentation. Quashing vigorous intellectual, sociological, and scientific debate.
Lack of accountability, lack of responsibility! See how the health officials run, and hide, and deny, and lie!
An ultimate summary of the Great Reset and a call to action from Marc Morano author of “The Great Reset”, brilliantly and concisely describing the bypassing of democracy for covid regulations, and now for climate change. The intentional collapse of modern society!
Why should people ever trust the WHO, their governments and their government’s agencies ever again? They can’t and they shouldn’t! They won’t!
World Council For Health Florida
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